Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Happy 1st Birthday McKinley!

McKinley turned 1 about a week ago!  She seems too little to be one already.  I'm probably jinxing her but she seems like she might be walking soon.  She's starting to stand up from a sitting position in the middle of the room and balance for a good 5-10 seconds before she sits back down.

 Happy girl!
She LOVED the balloon that was tied to her wrist.  


Squeaky shoes!

Birthday card and money from Grandpa and Grandma Whiting!

Drum set from Grandma and Grandpa Earnest

She loves the drum set!

Bike helmet
We took a family bike ride around the neighborhood.  McKinley enjoyed the first half of the ride but eventually she was done and we headed home for lunch and cake!

Smash cake

Dyer was concerned that McKinley would burn herself on the candle...

I thought she would dig right in but she just picked at it and licked the frosting.  Maybe she would have if she didn't eat a full lunch right before eating cake.

I stuck it out and breast fed her until she finally turned 1! I was worried I made a mistake a few days after completely weaning her because she wasn't drinking very much regular milk and I was worried about her getting enough fluids.  About two days ago she finally started drinking regular milk like a champ!  Thank goodness because I was feeling rather guilty and selfish for weaning her before she was obviously ready.  I felt like a terrible mom.  

 Now we just need to wean her from her pacifier, but luckily for her that wont be until after our cruise next month.  I think it will be best for everyone on the ship if she still has that for an extra month.

Her two top teeth are almost completely in now.

She enjoys walking around with help.

The things that this girl thinks is funny!

I've yet to get it on tape since I have to be holding her but she LOVES getting horsey rides from Blakely.  She thinks it is hilarious!  She just laughs and laughs and laughs!

The other day she climbed into her car seat and was quite enjoying herself...

Rocking in the car seat

Yesterday she taught herself how to come down the stairs.  

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