Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry???

With Easton turning 11 and getting a school acceptance letter we thought just maybe he was going to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry...I guess we should have known it wasn't form Hogwarts when an owl didn't deliver the letter...

Easton got accepted to STEMM (Science Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medical) Academy!  We are so proud of him!  It's not an easy school to get in to.  He got a letter from the school inviting him to come and check out the school and to apply to the school if he was interested.  
Those selected to apply to the school must have a 5 in math state testing and a 4 or 5 in science state testing.  There might have been other requirements but I can't remember.  

Nathan and Easton went to the school to check it out and by the end of the night Easton was very excited about applying to the school.  To apply Easton had to write an essay, a parent (Nathan wrote it) had to write an essay, and Easton's teacher needed to fill out a recommendation form.  The school only accepts about 95 students every year from all the schools in the district.  

Once everything was turned in it sounded like they already had about 100 people already apply so we were a little worried that we turned it in a little too late and would be wait listed.  A few days later we got an email stating that Easton was accepted!  Easton worked really hard on his essay and I'm glad that he was accepted!  This school is right up Easton's alley!  He will be right at home there.  

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