Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Easter fun and April fools!

To start off the Easter season right we had our annual peep jousting contest!

Blair stealing my phone again to take selfies.

It must be the lighting but Blair looks like she's a cancer patient...

Easton ended up our winner this year!

Dyeing eggs!


McKinley just watching and eating




The finished eggs!

Some friends in the ward had an egg hunt at their house while all the husbands were at Priesthood session.

Easton ended up going with Nathan so Blair picked up some eggs for him.

Since April 1st is the day Nathan proposed he got me some roses the night before!

The kids got some spray paint chalk in their baskets.  I was disappointed with the spray chalk.  That's about all the chalk we got out of 3 cans.  Definitely not worth it.


I came back from taking pictures of the kids outside and found McKinley at the door!

She kept licking the door!

She finally almost escaped when one of the kids didn't shut the door on their way out.  Luckily for me she got stuck...

I like to play food tricks on the kids for April fools.  They think I'm mean but it is always good to eat.  Generally it's dessert made to look like dinner and/or dinner made to look like dessert.  This year I made chicken pot pies that were really vanilla pudding pies with candy that looked like veggies.  For breakfast I gave the kids "milk" that was basically white jello.

I swear she says "come on" in this video.

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