Wednesday, July 11, 2018


We finally went camping as a family!  I believe the last time we went camping as a family was back when Dyer was 2 months old.  Camping was the last thing Easton needed to do to earn his arrow of light so we decided we would all go.  

Roasting marshmallows for smores 

 Eating smores

Getting ready for bed

Poor Blakely burned her finger.


It's hard to see because my camera wouldn't focus on the right thing but we saw a real life armadillo!  I see them often dead on the side of the road but this was the first time I've seen one alive. 

We didn't get much sleep while camping because of this one....She was tossing and turning all night long.  She fell asleep in the car on our way to swim the next morning and stayed asleep through all of swim.  I will say that I was a little bitter and jealous that it wasn't me sleeping.

The kids complained that the ground was too hard and they were too hot!  I guess it's good that the next time we go "camping" will be in an RV!

Once Dyer came home from swimming and fishing with the cub scouts he asked if he could take a shower.  I went to check on him and found him fast asleep in his bed.

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