Tuesday, July 10, 2018

McKinley standing and dancing

I thought for sure that McKinley would be walking any day after filming this since she would put herself in a standing position in the middle of a room and stand there for a long time.  She did take 4 steps a couple days later (technically walking on March 14th) but then we left on our cruise and she couldn't keep her balance.  I didn't want her crawling all over the ship either so I mostly held her most of the time. 

McKinley loves dancing!  
It made it a little more difficult when she was first learning to stand but when you feel the groove you can't help but shake it!

I was hoping to get her to walk because she kept standing up but then the kids put music on and it was all over!

Dancing and her famous crawl

Kind of got her taking 1 step in this video

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