Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Spring Break Cruise!

We decided to take the kids on their first cruise! Roger and Valerie decided to join us.  We were supposed to go on a 5 day cruise but it got cut shorter by a day due to the weather.  We got a phone call the day we were supposed to leave saying things were delayed because of the fog.  The boat couldn't come into port.  They told us to not come yet and that they would give us more updates in about an hour.  We didn't hear from them so we figured we would go and the fog would most likely lift by the time we got up there.  Plus Roger and Valerie were already up there.  Boy were we wrong!  It took us about 2 hours to drive there and the boat was still stuck and we still weren't given any phone/email updates.  To make the trip a little more exciting our car battery died while the kids were watching a movie so we had to have someone jump the car and Nathan had to go buy a new car battery.  We ended up staying at a hotel that night.

The next day we got up early to board the ship.  Here's the kids' reaction to seeing the boat for the first time!

Shortly after this video Dyer said his stomach wasn't feeling very well and then threw up all over the back of the car! We were one of the last people to board the ship so we had to park in the overflow parking lot so our car had to sit in the hot sun the whole time we were gone.  So gross!   Nathan cleaned up as much of the puke as he could.

Despite all the set backs we still had a great time!

Day 1

Boarding the ship and the kids seeing Valerie!

I wanted to get a picture of all the kids but Blair was upset that Easton was holding McKinley and not her so she refused to be in the picture.

Happy now that she gets to hold McKinley

Checking out the pool

It must have been cold because the kids were hesitant to get in the water and in no time at all they were in the hot tub.

Blair was the only one who stayed in the pool the whole time.

The boys jumped in the crowded hot tub the first chance they got.

Valerie and McKinley

Nathan and Dyer

Waiting for Valerie and Roger so we can eat!

Playing games

The kids were adventurous...they tried calamari and escargot.  

Day 2
This was supposed to be day 3 of our cruise and we were supposed to be in Progresso but because we left a day late they cancelled our day in Progresso.  We were disappointed because we had an excursion booked.  We were going to go see the Mayan Ruins, swim in one of the sinkholes, and eat lunch.  

Blakely and Blair

Easton coming down the slide





Valerie got McKinley to nap

Swimming with Valerie

Happy baby after her nap!

Blair took these photos

Proof that Roger was on the ship with us too!

Day 3
We stopped in Cozumel but decided there weren't any excursions we wanted to do so we just stayed on the boat.  We basically had the ship to ourselves.  The kids enjoyed the pool.

Tired baby!

Blair and Valerie

Easton didn't want to swim for long and decided to come back to the room and watch TV while McKinley took a nap.

Since McKinley was the youngest kid on the boat they gave her a certificate to get a free build a bear!

Dancing baby!

We picked out a monkey for her since she's McKinley monkey!

On our last morning during breakfast Dyer was complaining that his stomach hurt again.  He threw up in the hallway right after leaving breakfast.  He threw up again as we were leaving the ship (luckily we had a bag this time!)  It's so weird (and fortunante) that he was totally fine the entire time on the boat.  It was only right before we boarded and basically as we were leaving.

The kids had a blast and were already planning our next cruise before we even got home!

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