Thursday, July 12, 2018

Disney Spectacular and 5th grade graduation

Every year the 5th graders put on what they call Disney Specataclar

Easton decided to be a solider from Toy Story.  It was that or be part of It's a Small World.  Apparently if you were part of It's a Small World you had to stay after and clean up.  Easton did not want to clean up.  In fact he wore the military outfit (size 4) which was way too small and tight on him just so he wouldn't have to clean up!  Haha!  I had to laugh at the end of the play because I think there were only two people that were part of It's a Small World!  I guess Easton wasn't the only one who did not want to stay and clean up!


Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Mary Poppins

My camera died so I started using my phone...
This was Easton's part in the play. Toy Story
It's hard to hear but at the end someone yells "Andy's coming!" and that is why all the toys fall to the ground.

Easton's behind the girl in the white t-shirt.

Davy Crockett
The filming got a little crazy once Nathan left to pick Blair up from ballet and I was trying to hold McKinley and film at the same time.

They took pictures of all the 5th graders and had them on display during the ceremony.

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