Tuesday, December 21, 2021


I found a black widow in our garage and I called Easton out to take care of it.   

Then I found an egg sack!  Easton grabbed a can of raid and went to town dousing them both!

Nathan thought it would be a good night to watch Arachnophobia!  He was moonlighting that night so I kept him in the loop with videos and quotes!  I think it was way more fun watching the kids watch the movie than it was to watch the movie!

Blakely and Blair's reaction

Blair: Don't go in the barn!  That's the worst place to be. NOOOO!  I hate horror movies because people are so stupid!

Dyer: These spiders are so smart!  You have to admire how clever those spiders are.

Easton: Oh my webs!

Blair: Don't be afraid if you wake up with a bunch of kids in your bed!

Easton: That's not right!  That's not right!  It just came from his nose...We are going to have to watch Disney movies after this to recover...lots and lots of Disney movies.

Blakely: I really like the music!

Easton: The miracle of birth!

KK's reaction!

Don't worry she was watching her reaction and she thought it was hilarious!  I decided to film her reaction and this is what we ended up with...  I wish I could figure out how to simultaneously show both videos at the same time but I'm not that techy. 

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