Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Six Flags

 When we went to six flags for McKinley's 3rd birthday we decided to buy season tickets.  Well as luck would have it in a few short weeks COVID closed everything down.  Eventually they kind of opened up for reservations but with a little baby in tow I didn't feel very comfortable going so we didn't.  We figured we were just out of luck with our season passes but then a friend of mine told me that they extended the 2020 season passes for the following year.  We didn't find out about that until the end of July so we missed out on some time but we've gone about 3 times since!  We might need to squeeze another trip in before the end of the year.

Valerie watched Eden this day which I later found out was very helpful because there are a lot of rides that apparently we (KK, Eden, and me) couldn't ride because both girls were under the height requirement for riding alone and you need an adult for each child that doesn't meet the height requirements.  WHAT?!?  I saw another lady riding with two little kids and brought that to the guys attention and he said only one of the kids was under the height requirement.  REALLY?!?  So I can't ride on a ride with a child on either side of me because one of them is about 1/4 of an inch too short?!?  I promise I can handle two little ones on a ride.  I have 6 kids...2 kids...piece of cake!

KK's reaction to being able to ride her first roller coaster!

She did not have the same reaction afterwards...I wish I could have filmed her on the ride but they have a strict rule that you can't.
She didn't like the ride but she was definitely brave! 

We met up with the older kids and got to watch them ride Wonder Women.  It was a good thing that we went over there when we did because Dyer decided he didn't want to ride the ride so he was hanging out by himself until we got there.

Easton was a little cold on this ride...  I had the boys' jackets with me the whole time.  Oops!

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