Friday, December 31, 2021

Changing a tire

Basically since we bought my car I've needed new tires but we kept putting it off.  About every other month I was needing to inflate my tires.  I came out one morning to take Easton to school and realized I needed to fill up my tires.  We were running a little late so I decided I would take care of it as soon as I got home from dropping Easton off and before I took Dyer and Blakely to school.  Of course there was a wreck so things took even longer to get Easton to school.  By the time I got back home it was time to take Dyer and Blakely to school but I really needed to fill up one of my back tires.  I started to fill it up but I could hear the air hissing so I knew I had a leak.  I looked around the tire trying to find what was causing the leak but I couldn't see anything.  I called Nathan and told him I definitely needed new tires.  He said he was on his way home to help me out.  I still needed to get the kids to school so we jumped in the car and pulled up at the school just as school was starting.  Once I got home I checked under my car and saw a huge gash on the inside of my tire.  I think I was lucky I made it home!!!

Nathan taught Blair how to change a tire!   I guess one perk of homeschooling is you get to learn some life skills that your other siblings miss out on because they are at school...

Look at the size of that gash!

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