Monday, December 27, 2021

First Day of School

The kids were excited to finally go back to in person school this year.  They still have to wear masks but I don't think they mind too much.  

Blair decided she still wanted to do homeschool this year.  I was hoping it would be better for us this year with all the rest of the kids back at school and thankfully it has!  She has been so responsible!  She gets everything done without being asked.  Even math!  Which is huge!  She would fight me almost everyday last year.  This year she wakes up on her own and starts her math first thing!  I think I'm going to miss her next year when I make her go back to public school...I think she needs to go for at least a year so she can make some friends and be more social.  

I've been doing preschool with KK.  Valerie has been kind to let us borrow her preschool supplies from back when she used to teach preschool.  I tried to convince her that she wanted to start up preschool again to teach KK but instead she offered her materials to me.

Easton (14)- 10th grade (in person school)

Blair (12)- 7th grade (homeschool)

Dyer (10)- 5th grade (in person)

Blakely (7)- 2nd grade (in person)

McKinley (4)- preschool (at home)

Eden (almost 16 months)

I guess she's ready for school already!

We were playing at the park and Eden just randomly stood up and started walking!  Finally!  Almost 16 months old!

About a week later she was walking everywhere.

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