Sunday, December 26, 2021

Visiting G&G Whiting

We went to visit my dad and step mom for a couple days in August. 

Most of my kids get car sick but we just give them Dramamine and they are good to go.  KK however won't take Dramamine even though we get the good stuff for her (fruity flavor chewables).  Honestly I'm not sure if she is just difficult or if she truly can't take medicine but we try and she generally spits it out and/or pukes it up right after swallowing.  It's a huge ordeal and a pain!  We found these glasses online claiming they help with motion sickness so we decided to give it a try.  So far they have done the trick!  Luckily for us KK seems to love them even though they look ridiculous!

We went for a hike around "round lake".  I was a little nervous since it was about two weeks before that the city of Camas animal control and police department captured 8 python snakes!!!  Are you kidding me?!?  How do they know they got them all?

It was a nice hike but I think we picked the wrong way to go with my dad and step mom in tow...oops!  They were troopers but I think it was a bit much for them.

The kids liked the potholes.

KK enjoyed picking and eating peas from the garden.

We also picked a bunch of blackberries and Gma Sharon made us a cobbler.  Yum!

Eden loves seeing herself.  
Taking a selfie is the easiest way to get a good smile from her!

Spending time with Auntie Jana!

Off to the river walk splash pad.

Blakely chilling in the "deep end"

Fun with cousins!

Auntie Jana

Splashing each other

Auntie Jana and cousin Aaron

The whole crew minus Nathan who was taking the picture.

Nathan, me, Dyer, KK, Blair, Easton, Gma Sharon, Blakely, Aiden, Auntie Jana, Eden, Aaron, Gpa Whiting

We finally got some crumbl cookies!

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