Friday, December 24, 2021

July happenings

This little ray of sunshine has been teething and keeping me up at night.  Good thing she is cute!

Nap on mom fixes everything!

4th of July (3rd of July) pancake breakfast!

Again not sleeping well but this time she has a fever!

Mom makes everything better!

Haha!  Someone got a hold of my phone and attempting to make KK into a devil?!?

Someone's feeling better!

Apparently this is what happens when you attempt to take a nap...
They were trying to kill a bug...

Look at my muscles!

Nathan finally got his contract to work in Twin Falls!  Signing the paperwork!

Love those blue eyes!  Hopefully she keeps them.  Both Blair and KK's eye color changed when they were about 4 years old.

Nathan's reaction to Blakely's make-up

Blair's new hobby-face paint!

Much better!  I prefer this beautiful face over the one above!

Eden attempting to walk.

She can be a bully sometimes!

School shopping!  Dyer only wanted camo everything this year!

That tongue!

Like father like daughter...

Where's Dyer?!?
More face paint by Blair!

Newest trick

Using her cart as a walker

Doll face paint...

This is why preschoolers shouldn't get themselves dressed....

 KK dancing

The boot trick...Blakely looses a tooth!

KK being KK!


Eden taking a couple more steps! (Ignore Blakely's loud gum chewing)

Fun in Valerie's pool!

Apparently we are having a sleepover party in my room.

Eden shaking it!

We almost have a walker!

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