Tuesday, December 21, 2021

San Francisco Zoo

We decided last minute to go to the San Francisco Zoo.  Some indoor areas were closed and the petting zoo was closed but overall I think the kids had a fun time.  Eden puked on the car ride there and of course I didn't have a change of clothes so we ended up buying a sweatshirt at the zoo for her.  So expensive!

Red panda

Blakely's face!!!

You'll see a trend here...Every time she saw something she could sit on she made me take a picture of her on it.  She had a huge melt down when she didn't get on a hippo because there was a line and the rest of our party was moving on...

She thought the prairie dogs were so funny!

Haha!  I made all the older kids find something to sit on so I could take their pictures...





I made Blair take this picture as a reenactment.  She was a good sport!  We went to this zoo back when she was 3 and she took her picture at this exact spot!  She was a little shorter last time so Easton went down on all fours and let Blair stand on him to give her a boost.  I was trying to find that picture but I can't seem to find it unfortunately!






Zebra and ostrich?


I took off her new sweater in case she puked again!  Luckily she just fell asleep!


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