Sunday, December 26, 2021

Surprise Party for Gma!

 We planned a surprise party for my mom at my brother's house but my mom wasn't very surprised since one of her grandkids spilled the, it wasn't any of my kids.  My sister Jac went to a wedding about 5 hours away the day before so we were hoping my mom would only think my brother's family and my family would be there.

Once we got there I texted my sister to let her know that we were there.  She texted back that she would come in about 10 min.  I thought she was down the street or a couple blocks away.  To waste some time I asked my brother to give me a tour of his house since it was the first time I had been there.  Little did I know that my sisters and their families were waiting in the room above the garage...Oops!  We walked in on them and they gave a very pathetic "surprise".

It's been over 4 years since all the cousins have been together!  Let's not wait so long next time!

Cake time!

Opening presents:

We surprised my mom with a trip to Hawaii but unfortunately we had to cancel it because of COVID!  Hopefully we can make it happen this spring.  Fingers crossed!

Water balloon fight:


Gma with all her grandkids!
Top row: Aiden, Aaron, Kadyn, and Kannon
Middle row: Emery, Adisyn, Dyer, Easton, Gma, Eden, Blair, Quincy, Blakely, Eliette, and Ashlyn
Bottom row: Karsyn and McKinley

Silly Pic (sort of)

Sibling pic (oldest to youngest)
Jana, Wade, Jacqui, and me

One with mom

We had a great trip.  Of course it went by way too fast!

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