Monday, September 2, 2013

Air Museum and playing at the park

The first two pictures were actually taken outside the mall.  

Blair and Easton

Blair and Easton with Dad

A couple days later we went on base to visit Roger while he was in the hospital.  Afterwards, Valerie and I took the kids to the Air Museum.

Blair, Easton, and Dyer

I had to get a close up of these two.  I love it when they cuddle up next to each other.

Sitting on the plane

Inside the museum they have a couple airplanes the kids can play in.  Of course this is usually where we spend most of our time.

Dyer would not cooperate and let me take his picture.  This is the best one I got!

Dyer and I (34 weeks!)

Jack and Easton
The last couple weeks of summer Valerie started hosting Chinese Exchange Students.  This particular week she had two brothers (who named themselves Jack and Crazy!)

Easton LOVED Jack!  
I probably would have too since Jack did everything Easton asked him to do!  It was really cute to see these two together.

Blair sliding down the slide head first.

Posing!  Of course her underwear is showing!

Cute little Dyer!  
I think he has finally started to like slides again after his traumatic water slide incident. 

Dyer with Jack and Crazy!

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