Monday, September 2, 2013

Surprise Baby Shower!

Valerie invited me to go out to eat with her and Ms. Laurie for lunch on Aug. 10th.  She told me that I needed a little break from the kids because Nathan had been working crazy hours (leaving around 10:30 am and not getting home until midnight-1am) and I really haven't had much of a break.  She totally lied to me and told me she was going to the temple in the morning but that she would be back in time for our lunch.  She told me this because she didn't want me coming up to her house while she was setting up for the shower.  Too bad I didn't know the temple was closed for cleaning because I could have totally caught her in her lie.  I should have known better because while Nathan and I were working on getting a toy that was stuck in the toilet (Thanks Dyer!!!) Dyer kept coming into the bathroom saying, "Valerie outside!"  I kept reassuring him that Valerie wasn't home but that he would see her later.  Dyer probably thinks that I'm the biggest liar ever since he clearly saw her with his own eyes.  If I wasn't so busy helping Nathan I probably would have brought him up to her house to prove to him that she wasn't home.  Haha!  That would have been funny!     

Valerie arranged for the Porter's to watch my kids while we went out to eat.  Thanks Debbie and Sarah!  This should have been another clue that something was going on because knowing Valerie she would have went with me to drop the kids off.  Instead she told me she needed to get dressed and pick up Laurie but that she would meet me back at her house just after 12:30.  I told her that Laurie's van was parked outside her house and she quickly came up with a lie that Laurie must have gotten the van after all and that she was probably waiting outside the front door.  Sure enough Valerie "looked" out the window and there was Laurie!  

Anyways, I dropped off the kids and as I was walking towards Valerie's house she met me half way.  She told me she needed to grab something inside so I followed her and as we came inside everyone said, "Surprise!"  I was definitely surprised because I specifically told Valerie I didn't want a baby shower.  I'm not sure why I actually thought she would listen to me.

It was a last minute thing and Valerie invited a couple of women from our street (besides Laurie).  It was a nice luncheon and I definitely felt spoiled!  I'll admit it was nice to get some new things for our little girl!  Thanks Valerie!

Table setting


Megan with baby Anna!  Baby Anna will be about 2 months older than our baby girl!  It will be fun to see them grow up together for the next two years we are here.

Some of the guests.  Laurie, Molly, Megan, Valerie, and me.

Opening gifts!

Cute outfits!

Nina and Lisa.  I think Rebel is the only one I didn't get a picture of and that is probably because she was taking the pictures.

More gifts!

Cutting the cake!  Almost 35 weeks!

Dyer after the party was over.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, what great friends you have! You look great, too! Congrats on the next little one.
