Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What else could go wrong?

I just have to document this day (8/11) because it was ridiculous how much mischief my kids got into that day.  Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures.

I had all the kids ready for church and was upstairs finishing my hair and makeup.  We had about 10-15 minutes until we needed to get into the car.  I walk down the stairs to pack some snacks and write down Easton's scripture that he was giving in Primary that day when Blair walks out of the kitchen with marker all over her face.  I'm a little angry because we are supposed to be going to church and she can't go looking like that but what irritates me the most is she did the same thing the day before and knew I wouldn't like it.  If that wasn't bad enough Dyer walks out a few seconds later with his face seriously covered with black and brown marker (which at the time I thought the black marker wasn't washable).  He also had it all over his church shirt!

Side note:  Later I found out that Dyer was trying to make his skin the same as Valerie's!  HAHA!  How cute is that?!?

I had Easton run up and get Valerie because I knew we wouldn't make it to church on time if I didn't have an extra set of hands.  Luckily the markers were all washable and actually came off pretty quickly.  Valerie came down and changed Dyer's clothes while I packed snacks and fixed Blair and Easton's hair.  Valerie wrote down Easton's scripture in the car on our way to church.  Not sure how we did it but we made it to church right on time!

Later that same day while I was making dinner all the kids were upstairs playing nicely (or so I thought)...I walk out into the living room and find Dyer coming down the stairs completely naked.  I probably should have been concerned about that but unfortunately him being naked isn't all that uncommon these days.  What I was most concerned about and got my attention very quickly was all the red nail polish I saw on his feet!  I knew exactly who to blame for this!  I grab Dyer and as I'm carrying him up the stairs I'm of course yelling Blair's name.  The closer I get to the top of the stairs the more I start smelling nail polish.  Luckily most of the nail polish was contained in the bathroom.  I walk into the bathroom to find Blair completely naked in the bathroom sink which is full of toothpaste water!?!  She is having a great o'l time splashing away.  The other sink is also full of toothpaste water.  I guess her and Dyer were trying to clean the nail polish off of themselves?  Luckily Nathan was up (he had to work the night before) and came upstairs to help clean up the many messes in the bathroom.  Such a pain!!!  

I left the house for a few minutes to drop off cookies to the Porters to thank them for watching the kids the day before.  Right when I walk in the house Blair runs up to me and tells me that Easton peed all over the trampoline.  Seriously!?!  Nathan made Easton hose off the trampoline.

I was pretty much done with the kids so I made them all go upstairs to take a bath before bed.  I made the mistake of talking on the phone outside the bathroom because when I came to check on them, there was water all over the bathroom floor!  Apparently they thought it would be fun to take turns doing cannon balls in the bathtub.

Yes, I was definitely ready for an early bedtime that night!

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