Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Nut Tree

The kids all completed their summer reading program at the library and each got a free book and a coupon for free ice cream.  The ice cream place is part of the Nut Tree Plaza so Valerie and I took the kids to ride the carousel and the train before we got ice cream.  I'm glad the ice cream was free because the kids only took a couple bites and decided they didn't want it anymore.  Each cup normally costs almost $4 each.  I should have made them all share one and we could have gone back two more times!

Valerie and Dyer
It was a good thing I had another adult with me because both Dyer and Blair needed an adult to ride with them.

Blair was only an inch away from riding by herself.
Easton of course was on the other side of the carousel so I wasn't able to get a picture of him.  I tried to catch him before he got off but a guy with his kid was too nice and helped Easton get down before I got there.

Video of Blair:

Riding the train

Why is it you can't seem to get a decent picture with all the kids?

Valerie and Dyer


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