Friday, September 6, 2013

Train Museum and Gold Rush Days

We went up to Sacramento to go to the Train Museum.  Once we got up there we realized they were having Gold Rush Days at Old Town Sacramento.  The kids got to do some extra things we weren't expecting to do.  Unfortunately we didn't get to do the train ride like we promised them but they did get to take a wagon ride!  The kids also got some free candy from the candy store and they also enjoyed bowling!

Ready for the wagon ride.

The horses 

We rode in a similar wagon

Family picture

Train museum

Dyer really wanted me to take his picture.

Easton then wanted me to take his picture.  Not sure why both boys are posing with their mouths wide open.

Handcart train


Heading back

Waiting to see the inside of the front of a train.

Playing with Thomas trains.  This was definitely a hit and the kids wanted to stay longer and play.

Panning for gold!

Blair bowling!

Easton bowling!

Dyer bowling!

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