Friday, September 6, 2013

Dyer's First Day of Preschool

Even though Dyer is only two he's going to preschool this year.  Valerie is watching another two year old and wanted Dyer with him so he wouldn't be alone.  That definitely works for me with the new baby coming in (hopefully) less than two weeks!  Of course Dyer is in heaven and has loved the two days he has gone so far.  Blair and Dyer will be going different days so it will be nice to have a little one on one with each of them.  Blair was a little lost the first day Dyer wasn't at home and I think it is because she has NEVER been by herself before.  She has always had either Easton or Dyer there with her.  She did better the second day so I'm sure it won't take her long to figure out what to do.  I'm actually glad that Dyer is going early so he will for sure get two years of preschool with Valerie before we have to move.

I wanted to get pictures of all the kids together but Blair was refusing to get up that morning so I didn't have time to get her ready and take pictures.  Plus Dyer was done after just two pictures!

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