Saturday, September 21, 2013

Announcing Blakely Ann Kelsey

This is Nathan. Ashley has decided since I wrote the blog post for Blair's birth announcement that I needed another shot to post correctly for our new girl.  Blakely Ann arrived about 10:40AM on Thursday.  You are probably just here for cute pictures, so I will lead with those.  The fairly vanilla birth story and stats are at the end.

Brand new and really happy to be here...

Two hot ladies...

Ready for my close-up...

She looks a little nervous...

"Hip hip hooray!!!!"


"Her head is hecka small..." 
Or ours are rather large...

Ashley was having hourly contractions on Wednesday, so she warned me it would likely be that night.  At 1:30AM she had contractions every ten minutes.  She woke me up at 2:30 and we were at the hospital by 3:30AM.  Thanks to Valerie for watching the kids!  Ash was worried that she would deliver quickly and not have an epidural (like with Dyer) but things went fine.  Several hours and 1 and 1/2 pushes later Blakely was born. 

Stats: 7 lbs 12 oz, 21 inches long.  Brown eyes?  Fine brown hair.  She has long fingers and toes.

Welcome little girl!  We are so excited you are here!

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