Tuesday, September 3, 2013


We took the kids bowling on base a couple hours before Nathan had to go to work.  Blair decided it was backwards day and wore all her clothes backwards!  Not exactly sure why she decided to do this but I figured if she was dressed that was good enough.  Dyer ended up beating us all and was the only one who got over 100.  I guess it helps when Dad is good at angles and can set the ramp at the correct angle.  I set up the ramp for the first half of the game and Nathan the second half.  If you look at the score sheet you can definitely tell who got Dyer the most points!

Blair really wanted a purple ball but they were all way too heavy so she settled for a pink ball.

Dyer's first time bowling!

Easton only used the ramp for the first couple rounds and then decided to bowl like Nathan and I the rest of the game.  That is probably why he ended up losing but he actually did really well for his first time!



Video of Easton bowling:

End results

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