Thursday, September 5, 2013

Blair gets her ears pierced

Blair has been begging me to get earrings for a while.  While we were out shopping for some new school clothes for her she brought it up again.  I told her we could do it that day but I warned her that it would probably hurt (like getting shots).  She told me she didn't care and that she really wanted them.  I took her to Claire's and she picked out pink flowers that she wanted.  We went up to the check out desk and asked if they could pierce her ears.  The lady said that she was the only one working that day and with young kids they prefer having two people so they can pierce the ears at the same time.  She said that she would still do it if I could guarantee that Blair would sit through the second ear.  I explained it to Blair and she really wanted to do it.  I didn't think Blair would have much of a problem since she takes her shots like a champ.  The lady did the first ear and Blair's eyes got really big and she flinched a little but she was fine.  She just sat there and did nothing for the second ear.  Blair was sooo excited and all smiles when she finally saw her earrings in the mirror.  The only thing she said was, "It hurt, just a little bit."  The lady was shocked.  She asked me how old Blair was and then went on to say that Blair was probably the best customer she has ever had.  She said most kids are either crying or screaming.

First ear getting pierced.

All done!

A closer look!

Blair looks really cute with her new earrings.  The only down side is she thinks she is a lot more grown now.

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