Friday, December 31, 2021


Most of these pictures/videos were taken by someone other than me...I'm always in for a surprise to see what new pictures/videos I have on my phone.

Blakely flying her kite

Blakely has way too much fun on our phones...

Not sure what is going on....but slightly funny!

Blair giving Eden a ride

Giving KK a ride

This happens every Sunday on the way home from church!
Honestly this is the best thing for her to do in the car so that she doesn't puke!

She definitely had fun dumping out the potato flakes!

Chicken dance!

KK's enjoying preschool

I find myself in the position a lot with this little love bug!

I took Dyer and Easton to the eye doctor to get a check up and to get glasses!

The boys got their eyes one time they both had one eye that was back to normal and one that was still dilated! 

Showing off her mad eye skills!

Changing a tire

Basically since we bought my car I've needed new tires but we kept putting it off.  About every other month I was needing to inflate my tires.  I came out one morning to take Easton to school and realized I needed to fill up my tires.  We were running a little late so I decided I would take care of it as soon as I got home from dropping Easton off and before I took Dyer and Blakely to school.  Of course there was a wreck so things took even longer to get Easton to school.  By the time I got back home it was time to take Dyer and Blakely to school but I really needed to fill up one of my back tires.  I started to fill it up but I could hear the air hissing so I knew I had a leak.  I looked around the tire trying to find what was causing the leak but I couldn't see anything.  I called Nathan and told him I definitely needed new tires.  He said he was on his way home to help me out.  I still needed to get the kids to school so we jumped in the car and pulled up at the school just as school was starting.  Once I got home I checked under my car and saw a huge gash on the inside of my tire.  I think I was lucky I made it home!!!

Nathan taught Blair how to change a tire!   I guess one perk of homeschooling is you get to learn some life skills that your other siblings miss out on because they are at school...

Look at the size of that gash!

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Ward Talent Show

About a month before the ward talent show the kids planned on performing but with the end of the season performance for School of Rock and the start of school they put it on the back burner.  Blakely however decided to sign them up!  With a week to go (luckily they were off that week from School of Rock because they just had their performance) they finally came together and worked on a song.  Fortunately we were told that they were going first so we could go early and set up.  It was a bit crazy packing everything up, transporting it, and setting everything back up!  However the kids did an awesome job performing in public together for the first time.

Blakely found out about a week later that she was going to be playing this song for the Fall/Winter show for School of Rock.  I guess she was just ahead of the game!

The Primary kids practiced for two Saturdays...
KK is in the red shirt with green skirt, Blakely is in the black shirt with purple skirt, Dyer is in black pants and white shirt.  Most of the older boys were punks and wouldn't dance with the girls...even though two of them were dancing with their sisters!!!

First Concert

 Nathan and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary by going to the Hella Mega Tour concert!  We saw Weezer, Fall Out Boy, and Green Day.  It was a little crazy getting to Oracle Park and finding parking but we had a great time at the concert!  17 years!!!  Love you Handsome!


Fallout Boy:

The bass player's guitar lit up with fire!  We need to get one of those for Blakely!

Green Day:

They picked someone out of the audience to play with them and then gave them the guitar to keep!

I took a lot more videos but most of the videos are too large...



My mom got Dyer this really cute but annoying robot for his birthday.  Of course all the kids (especially KK and Eden) LOVE it!

What's on her face you ask?

Well one would hope it was chocolate but let's just say that it definitely didn't smell like chocolate...

I went upstairs to check on Eden and found her like this with clothes on though.  At first I was wondering where she got chocolate from but as I got closer she smelled awful like she puked.  She had just came out of the bathroom as I was walking up the stairs calling for her so I went into the bathroom to investigate...I found some poop on the floor with the rest of it floating in the toilet.  Next to the poop was some soap with teeth marks in it.  So gross!!!  Do they cancel each other out if you eat both of them?!? - Asking for a friend...

She got a nice bath after this and the kid responsible for it had to clean up the bathroom mess.  Seems fair right?

Someone was ready for bed earlier than usual.

School of Rock end of Summer performance

Okay this doesn't have to do with School of Rock but this was right before we left to go to the performance.  She loves forts!  KK was kind enough to make her one.
Rock 101 group (2 groups)

Rollin' on the River:

If you want/need to skip a song...this is the one!!!

Stop in the name of Love:

Rockin' in the Free World:

Performance Group: City of LA

Give it Away:
All three Kelsey kids playing together!

Blair started playing guitar this season!

Bad Reputation:
Again all three Kelsey kids playing together!
Sorry for the curse words...

Sunday Morning:
Easton and Blair

There are two videos for this song.  The file for my original video was too big so I tried trimming the video down a bit but for some reason when I trimmed it down the file got even bigger??? So now I have only about half the song in two videos....

Dyer's drum solo


Valerie and Eden

Cherry Bomb:

Mountain Song:

Waiting for the Sun:

After the show:

Eden LOVES pillows!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Six Flags

 When we went to six flags for McKinley's 3rd birthday we decided to buy season tickets.  Well as luck would have it in a few short weeks COVID closed everything down.  Eventually they kind of opened up for reservations but with a little baby in tow I didn't feel very comfortable going so we didn't.  We figured we were just out of luck with our season passes but then a friend of mine told me that they extended the 2020 season passes for the following year.  We didn't find out about that until the end of July so we missed out on some time but we've gone about 3 times since!  We might need to squeeze another trip in before the end of the year.

Valerie watched Eden this day which I later found out was very helpful because there are a lot of rides that apparently we (KK, Eden, and me) couldn't ride because both girls were under the height requirement for riding alone and you need an adult for each child that doesn't meet the height requirements.  WHAT?!?  I saw another lady riding with two little kids and brought that to the guys attention and he said only one of the kids was under the height requirement.  REALLY?!?  So I can't ride on a ride with a child on either side of me because one of them is about 1/4 of an inch too short?!?  I promise I can handle two little ones on a ride.  I have 6 kids...2 kids...piece of cake!

KK's reaction to being able to ride her first roller coaster!

She did not have the same reaction afterwards...I wish I could have filmed her on the ride but they have a strict rule that you can't.
She didn't like the ride but she was definitely brave! 

We met up with the older kids and got to watch them ride Wonder Women.  It was a good thing that we went over there when we did because Dyer decided he didn't want to ride the ride so he was hanging out by himself until we got there.

Easton was a little cold on this ride...  I had the boys' jackets with me the whole time.  Oops!

Monday, December 27, 2021

First Day of School

The kids were excited to finally go back to in person school this year.  They still have to wear masks but I don't think they mind too much.  

Blair decided she still wanted to do homeschool this year.  I was hoping it would be better for us this year with all the rest of the kids back at school and thankfully it has!  She has been so responsible!  She gets everything done without being asked.  Even math!  Which is huge!  She would fight me almost everyday last year.  This year she wakes up on her own and starts her math first thing!  I think I'm going to miss her next year when I make her go back to public school...I think she needs to go for at least a year so she can make some friends and be more social.  

I've been doing preschool with KK.  Valerie has been kind to let us borrow her preschool supplies from back when she used to teach preschool.  I tried to convince her that she wanted to start up preschool again to teach KK but instead she offered her materials to me.

Easton (14)- 10th grade (in person school)

Blair (12)- 7th grade (homeschool)

Dyer (10)- 5th grade (in person)

Blakely (7)- 2nd grade (in person)

McKinley (4)- preschool (at home)

Eden (almost 16 months)

I guess she's ready for school already!

We were playing at the park and Eden just randomly stood up and started walking!  Finally!  Almost 16 months old!

About a week later she was walking everywhere.