Saturday, January 22, 2022



I tried to take a kid picture right before church but realized I didn't like that their clothes didn't coordinate.  I meant to retake them but never got around to it so instead I just turned the picture to black and white and called it a day!

I forgot to take a picture of Eden on her first day of nursery...but actually she didn't go her first day because she had a runny nose.  This was about two weeks later!

Cutest 18 month old this year!

Cool baby!

Borrowing Eden's sunglasses!

Thanksgiving pies!
I also made chocolate, peanut butter pie, and mini pecan pies.

The kids had fun making these turkeys

We finally made this Harry Potter golden snitch puzzle.

Oh Blakely, how I love all your funny faces!

Blakely made this marshmallow snowman for a class assignment.

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