Saturday, March 5, 2022



Dyer got on the Principal's Honor Roll aka he got all A's!
Because of Covid they wouldn't let any parents go to the assembly but we were able to zoom in.  I was able to take a quick picture on my phone.

Eden always has the funniest faces!

Blakely's attempt at making Jack Skeleton from the Nightmare Before Christmas by eating pieces out of an apple.  Food art at its finest!

Ward Christmas Party

Telling Santa what she wants for Christmas...

I think someone needs to brush their teeth!

We made a trip down to the Oakland temple so the kids could buy things for others using the giving machine.  This was the first time we were able to do this in person.  Every year the kids earn money and Nathan matches what they make so they can buy things.  This year we bought chickens, a goat, pjs, and polio vaccines for 100 kids.

We made graham cracker houses





I took most of the kids to Candy Cane Lane and Lollipop Lane

The kids wanted me to take a picture of Grogu and send it to my mom but I'm pretty sure I forgot to send it to my mom.

Picture with Santa

Blair practicing her makeup skills on Blakely

Nathan's Dad and Karla sent us a family activity challenge book.  This was our first activity/challenge.  We were to come up with a short video and film it in 1 take.  Nathan basically wrote it, Blair filmed it, and Dyer directed it.

I was asked to make some sugar cookies for Valerie's ward for the primary temple/Priesthood night.  I was a little nervous about making them since I really haven't done a ton of sugar cookie decorating.  I think they turned out okay...

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