Saturday, January 22, 2022

California Adventure

Of course the first ride they decide to go on was Guardians of the Galaxy!  KK was just barely tall enough to go on it but I didn't think it was a good idea.  I was worried that she wouldn't like it and decide to not go on any rides after this one.  However the kids were able to convince her to go on it.  

As I thought she was not a fan!  Nathan said she screamed bloody murder the whole time!  Luckily she still decided to go on most every ride that she was able to go on.

Eden and I just chilled out while they were on the ride.

After the ride.  KK is all smiles in this picture but she did come running out of the building to me crying!  Poor girl!  I'm glad that she was brave and willing to try it out!

Today was tie dye day!  I usually have some kind of theme/color so it makes it easier to spot everyone.

Next it was my turn.  Still not a fan of this ride.  I only went because I haven't been on this ride since they changed it to guardians of the galaxy.  I wanted to see it but I'm good if I don't ride it ever again!

Little Mermaid ride.  This is definitely KK's type of ride! 

The boys were sooooooo excited to go on this ride!  Haha!

I think KK prefers this ride over the Guardians of the Galaxy ride.

Grizzly river run:

Cars land:

We had to do a parent swap for this ride because Eden was too little.  I went first this time.  A lady at the front asked if we signed in for the parent swap.  I told her we did and she told me to go in the "fast pass" lane.  I'm pretty sure we weren't supposed to because usually it is the 2nd parent with two kids that "skip" the line but I followed her instructions.  We had to stop at a certain point and a sign said we would need to show our tickets.  I was worried that we were going to be turned away but the lady there didn't ask for them and let us through!  I'm glad we didn't have to wait in line for this ride because by the time we got off the ride and switched with Nathan the line was up to 105 minutes!  Crazy!!!

KK wasn't a fan of this ride either!  

Back to Cars land:

Spiderman ride dance!!!

We were able to get online tickets for the spiderman ride.  It was late at night but we were excited we got tickets!  I thought it was crazy that you go to the ride during a certain time frame but the line was still ridiculously long!  I think we waited for over an hour in line!

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