Saturday, January 22, 2022

Disneyland again

Star Wars/princess dress day!

I took the two youngest to fantasy land while Nathan took the older kids to Star Wars/splash mountain.

We met back up and went to Toon Town

KK was super excited to get a picture with Minnie Mouse!

Eventually the boys went to their light saber experience so I took the girls to the carrousel (KK wanted to do it all morning but it was shut down for most of the morning). 


We went back to the apartment for a while to rest but we had to go back for the girls droid experience.  We got a late start and ended up jogging most of the way to the security tent.  From there Nathan, Dyer and the girls jogged the rest of the way.  They probably ended up jogging a 5k by the time they got there!  They made it there with about 2 minutes to spare!  

I bought some huge glow stick light sabers at Walmart before we left (3 total-one in each color) so the little girls would feel like they got something too!  I actually went back the next day to get more and they were already sold out!!!

Blakely ended up making a R2D2 type of droid and Blair made a BB8 type.

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