Saturday, January 22, 2022



All decorated for Halloween!

We were trying to rope drop Indiana Jones ride but everyone and the mother must have had the same idea because it was a mad house!  We just kept on going through Adventureland hoping to find a line that wasn't crazy but we didn't have much luck so we headed over to Galaxy's Edge aka Star Wars land.  It was almost deserted in Star Wars land.  I just wish that the Rise of the Resistance ride would allow you to just wait in line instead of getting online tickets.  We never were able to get tickets for that ride.  Boo!!!  We were able to ride the Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run though.

Today Nathan and I wore our mickey mouse shirts.  Eden was the only one of the kids that had a minnie mouse shirt so the rest of the kids just wore the same color as Nathan and mine shirt color.  The boys wore blue like Nathan's shirt and the girls wore pink like my shirt.

Pirates of the Caribbean.  
I wasn't able to get a picture with everyone in it!  You can see Eden's head but KK was there too!

While the older kids went on the Indiana Jones ride I took the two youngest over to Tom Sawyer's Island.  Seeing Tiana on the ferryboat and her waving to KK totally made KK's day!  She was so excited!

I took Blair and Blakely with me on the Indiana Jones ride.

Tired baby!

While I took the kids on Space Mountain Nathan hung out with Eden and they got to see some fun Disney characters.

Eden loved waving to them all!

Waiting in line forever for Space Mountain

KK hated this ride too!  She is right next to me but you can't see her not because Dyer is in the way but because she kept sinking down in her seat.

Right as we were getting on the ride KK told me she didn't want to go on it anymore and that she needed to go to the bathroom...Luckily she didn't wet herself!

While Nathan took the older kids on Matterhorn I took the youngest two on It's a Small World.  I made sure to text Nathan and tell them all that they can thank me now!

The girls definitely loved that ride!

Waiting for ice cream!

My little cuddle bug!

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