Tuesday, June 11, 2019


This year we decided to do DC characters.  I thought it would have been fun for one of the boys to be Batman and the rest of us be Batman villains but I was having trouble finding the girls costumes.  Blair's was the only one I could find so she ended up being the only villian.  Easton really didn't have an opinion this year so I decided he would be superman since we already had the costume.

The whole crew


Harley Quinn

Night wing

Wonder woman


I found this flash shirt at Walmart for about $8 in the boys section and made this my costume.  I thought it was funny that this is the same size Easton is wearing so I actually gave Easton the shirt after Halloween.  I guess I can start stealing some of Easton's clothes if I want!

Since Nathan was gone on deployment I had to step up to the plate and carve the pumpkin this year.  I think I did fairly well for my first attempt.  I actually video chatted Nathan almost the whole time to make sure I was doing it correctly.

This is one pumpkin I just carved 3 different symbols into it.

Random picture of Blair!

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