Tuesday, June 11, 2019


McKinley by far is my best napper!  She is generally more than happy to go down for a nap-bedtime however is usually a different story.  If she is tired and I haven't put her down yet (usually 11 is her nap time) she will either climb in bed herself or I will find her randomly on the floor.  Usually we have our routine down so this isn't generally a problem but she definitely likes her naps (for now). 

Learning to count!  This is when she should have been in bed sleeping.  If you say "night, night" to McKinley she will say, "No!" and usually start crying.  She hates bedtime.

I've been trying to get her laugh on tape but I can't ever seem to get a good belly laugh.  It's more forced when I try to get it on tape.

Sleeping babies are always the best!

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