Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Hurricane Michael

It was very nerve wracking leading up to Hurricane Michael making landfall.  I wasn't sure if we should stay or go.  I felt good about staying and chose to stay but once it was basically too late to leave the news report kept shifting where they thought the hurricane would hit and it seemed like we might be close to the center.  I was getting really nervous that I made the wrong choice.  Eventually it started shifting East which was good news for us, but then the hurricane kept intensifying.  It was supposed to be a cat 3 with us just outside the rim and that is why I decided to stay.  As it was getting closer it jumped from a cat 3 to a cat 4 and I believe right before it made landfall it jumped to a cat 5!  In the middle of all this McKinley was running a 103 temperature and throwing up.  Luckily my ministering brethren were kind enough to come over earlier that morning before things got crazy and give McKinley a blessing!
All she wanted to do was cuddle.

This is what it looked like in my backyard when the hurricane made landfall:

 I was expecting a lot more crazy weather but we definitely lucked out and I felt very blessed.  We were only 1 1/2 hours (about 70 miles) from where the hurricane hit and caused a lot of damage.  For about a month straight members from our stake went over to Panama City every weekend to help clean up. 

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