Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Ward Family Visit

Roger promised Blakely a year ago that he would come to town for her 5th birthday. He made it happen!

Blakely and McKinley went with the Ward family to their hotel for Thursday night.  The three oldest had school the next day so they had to stay home.

Eating breakfast

Getting spoiled!

Blakely just loves Mr. Roger!  It's probably because she gets spoiled by him.

The next night we all joined the Wards.  The three oldest got spoiled by going on the zipline and rock climbing.


She didn't know they were taking a picture of her.

She told me afterwards that she was really scared!


Rock climbing

And they're off...

Dyer and Blair didn't get very far...

Easton reaches the top

Dyer and Valerie got picked to go on stage to try and get hypnotized.  I had to laugh because Blair was trying to go on stage and the man told her she was too little but then he went on and picked Dyer.

Of course it didn't work for Dyer or Valerie...

So we left and went swimming.

Blair, Blakely (even though you can't really see her), Valerie, McKinley, and Dyer
Easton stayed at the hypnotist show with William.


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