Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Pumpkin Patch

The Parks asked us if we wanted to go to the pumpkin patch with them.  We had to travel just over an hour to get there but it was worth it to go to a real pumpkin patch on a farm.  The kids had a blast!

Blair and Ellen in the corn box

Ainsley, McKinley, Blakely and Dyer

Blakely dumping corn on McKinley's head

Easton buried


Blair ziplining



Blair and Ellen

Blakely, Callen, and Ainsley

Going through the maze

Tractor ride to the pumpkin patch
We ended up getting a really big pumpkin (probably bigger than the one Blakely was trying to get at her pumpkin patch) for $5.  Much better deal than $30+.  I'm not sure why I didn't get a picture of it.  Probably because I was the one that had to carry it.

Boys on the spider web

Dirty face girl!  She had a blast in this playhouse.


Blair and McKinley

Train ride-Girls

Train ride-Boys + McKinley

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