Tuesday, June 11, 2019

What the?!?

Nathan meant to take his planter boxes apart before he left but he never got around to it.  A few weeks after he left I decided to take care of it.  I wanted the grass to hopefully have time to grow back before our house went on the market.
One down and one to go.  
I was only able to get one planter box apart that first day but about a week later I went out and started working on the other one.  The boxes were falling apart in pieces because they were so rotted. When I pulled up part of the wood from the second one I found this....

It freaked me out so bad!  At first I thought it was a cottonmouth but as I was backing away I noticed that it wasn't moving like a snake but rather more like a worm.  It was so weird!  I ran inside to grab my phone so I could take a picture of it and send it to Nathan.  After doing some research I'm pretty sure it was a type of eel!  Do you see all those eggs?!?  GROSS!  I refused to go outside and finish picking up for a couple days.  Eventually I got enough courage to go out and finish the job.

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