Monday, December 2, 2013

Primary Program

Easton and Blair were practicing some of their songs for the Primary program...

I love moments like this!

Here they are all dressed up and ready for the program...
Here are their parts:

Easton: I will prepare to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again.

Blair: I know my Heavenly Father knows me and loves me.

Dyer wanted in on the action but as soon as I turned on the camera he really didn't want to say anything.  Goofball!

Easton did a great job on his part and singing.  He basically read his part when he got up there because there was a cheat sheet.  I was a little annoyed because he knew his part but oh well.  He sings really loud so it is easy to pick him out from everyone else.  Easton and the girl next to him (Paisley) were quite the pair.  A lot of people watched them most of the time because the two of them were very entertaining.  I wish I could have recorded them because it was very cute and funny!  

Blair actually got up there and did her part!  I really wasn't sure what to expect.  I figured she would walk up to the microphone and be too shy to say her part and someone else would have to do it for her.  Even though she had her part memorized she still got help from someone in the Primary presidency.  She was probably really nervous and needed the prompt.  I'm just proud that she got up there and did it!  Blair sang every once in a while.  It usually wasn't until Nathan got her attention and encouraged her to sing that she actually sang.  Blair's just a busy bee and can't keep still.  She was probably driving her teacher crazy!  She was moving all over the place.  On the pew, on the floor, on her teacher's lap.  She was probably on her teacher's lap most of the time and even then she couldn't hold still.  She was moving herself every few seconds on her teacher's lap while hugging her teacher and playing with her teacher's hair and cheeks.  I think her teacher was probably relieved when Blair had to use the restroom halfway through the program.    

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