Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Activities

Some of the Christmas activities we did while Nathan was out of town.  

Putting up our Christmas tree.  We actually did this with Nathan before he left to go back to Oakland for the week.

Making graham cracker houses. 

My house

Dyer's house

Blair's house

Easton's house

We went to the Festival of Trees.  I forgot my camera so this was taken on my phone.  Not very good quality.

We went to the light show.

We are definitely glad that Nathan is back home.  I did pretty well for being by myself for 4 weeks with 4 kids.  Nathan was in Oakland for 3 weeks (he would come home on the weekends) and then was at UC Davis for a week leaving at 11 am and getting home around midnight.  Valerie's been in England that whole time and actually won't be back until the 28th.  Dyer misses her like crazy!  After we got back from visiting family for Thanksgiving Dyer asked if we could drive to England to see Valerie.  I told him we would have to fly there.  He had a really sad look on his face and then said, "But I don't have any pixie dust."  How cute is that!  Dyer has refused to go to Nursery for the last 5 weeks!  I think it is because Valerie left and Nathan has been gone a lot during that same time.  I think he is worried that everyone's going to leave him.  Poor guy!

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