Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Friendship Feast

Easton's class had a friendship feast on the last day before Thanksgiving break.  Every family was supposed to bring a food dish that had to do with their family's culture or one that is a family favorite.  I was having a hard time figuring something out because everything that came to mind was a dish that needed to be warm and I wasn't sure how I was going to transport that with the three youngest kids in tow.  I decided on caramels from Nathan's side of the family.  

Easton's class put on a little production before the feast.  It was very cute.  His teacher made a video of each kid saying what they were thankful for.  

Easton: "I'm thankful for my mom and family because I like to do things with them.  I'm thankful for silliness because I like to be silly!"  This makes me wonder if he is a class clown.  I'll have to ask his teacher about that!  I do know he likes to talk a lot.


Everyone in Easton's class got a letter from the alphabet to read telling about Thanksgiving.  Easton had the letter "X".

Easton also had another part he read, but I didn't know he was going to have two parts so I didn't record it.

Easton's teacher, Ms. Martinez, does a lot of signing with the kids.

The whole crew.

It was a very cute production and all the kids did a great job.  I just love Easton's teacher.  She is absolutely amazing!

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