Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

We went to my brother's house for Thanksgiving.  This was the first time all the cousins have been together and the first time since my sister got married 7 years ago that all my siblings have been together.  It was really nice to get all of us together, but unfortunately it only lasted a couple hours since my sister came and went the same day.  I guess it is what it is...(Haha Wade!)  Anyways, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal the Sunday before Thanksgiving.  My sister in law, Mykle, did a fantastic job and the food was wonderful!  Thanks for hosting and letting us all invade!  

My camera was left in the extremely cold car (yes, I have been spoiled in California) so when I brought it inside the warm house the lens kept fogging up.  I tried my best to get pictures since kids only hold still for so long but my camera wouldn't stop fogging up.  Good thing everyone else was taking pictures so I could steal them!  Thanks Jac for sending me your copies!

Kadyn (6-Jac's), Aaron (8-Jana's), Ashlyn (5-Jac's), Emery (2-Wade's), Blair (4-mine), Aiden (5-Jana's), Dyer (2-mine), Adisyn (2-Jac's), Easton (6-mine), and Blakely (2 months-mine).  Poor Kannon (4-Wade's) got sick the night before and was in his room almost the whole time.

Finally all 11 cousins together for the first time.  Kannon came out only to take a couple pictures and then went right back to his room.  So sad!  There will be two more cousins later this month.  Jacqui will be having a boy probably Dec. 23rd (she's getting induced) and Mykle will be having a girl on the 24th (she's getting a c-section).  That will make 13 cousins (7 boys and 6 girls)

Girl table plus Dyer!

Boy table!

Adult table

Jana, Wade, Jacqui, and I (oldest to youngest)

My mom and all her kids!

After spending the weekend at Wade and Mykle's we headed up to Washington to visit my dad and step mom.  It was a short but nice visit.  Thanks for letting us stay with you.  We also got to visit with one of my best friends, Shannah, while we were there too!  It was nice to catch up!

This happened both nights we were there.  My dad had a sleeping buddy!

This is what happened on the car ride home.  Definitely not the safest but it was too cute!

Of course I had to snap a picture of Dyer too!

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