Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Blakely at 2 months

First off this little girl is growing like a weed!  It is just crazy to me how big she is getting already.  She hasn't had her 2 month appointment yet because they were so booked.  I called three weeks before she was 2 months and they scheduled her for Dec. 17th.  She will basically be 3 months by then.  I actually weighed and measured her today (almost 11 weeks or 2 1/2 months) and boy is she BIG!  Well, for my kids anyways!  I don't know how accurate my measurements are but she weighs 13 lbs and 25 1/2 inches.  Easton had a doctors appointment at 11 weeks and he was only 12 lbs and 23 3/4 inches.  I knew she was tall because she is already wearing 6 month pjs and mostly 3-6 month clothes.  I swear she basically skipped 0-3 month clothes.  All my other kids weren't even 25 inches until they were 4 months old.

 Blakely at 2 months!

Blakely at 2 1/2 months!

I figured I could sit her up and have her lean against the arm.

up close

Blakely's neck is getting stronger and stronger each day.  We walk Easton to school and I generally carry Blakely in the Moby.  She basically refuses to put her head in the pocket now because she wants to look out and see everything that is going on.  She is very curious about the world around her.

Blakely was sitting up so well leaning against the arm that I thought I would try it without any assistance and she did really well

I had to do an up close and far away picture as well.

Blakely still doesn't like being in the car for short trips.  Most of the time if the car is constantly moving she is fine but hates it when the car stops at stop lights or stop signs.  She did great on our long car trip to Oregon/Washington for Thanksgiving.  She only cried the last 10-15 minutes to my brother's house when we were driving through his town and when we stopped for gas.  It was about a 9 hour drive.

Blakely loves attention and more times than not she will give you a smile if you start talking to her.  She also loves to be held and actually prefers to be held.  She doesn't like to be left alone.

Blakely's sleeping a lot better at night now.  She's sleeping about 8 hours now!  The best is when she falls asleep around 10 and doesn't get up until around 6.  She did this the first time a couple nights ago and it was amazing!  It's definitely a lot better than 8-4 which is usually her normal time.

Blakely's still a big puker as you can tell from her above pictures!  She's pretty good at soaking her clothes.  It's not uncommon for her to wear more than one outfit a day.

I just had to take a picture of the rolls on her legs.  She actually has more rolls than this picture is showing but I still needed to document it.  She's definitely my little porker!

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