Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Christmas Pictures?

I tried taking pictures for our Christmas cards, but I'm guessing I'll be trying again....

Might have been good if Blair would have been looking at the camera.

Probably the best but it's a little blurry and Dyer's not looking at the camera.

Okay, but what in the world is Easton doing to poor Blakely?

Dyer looks stoned!

This probably sums up my kids the best though!

And Blakely's had enough!

I thought I might have better luck just taking a picture of just the girls and then one of the boys.

 Cute but I wish Blair was looking at the camera.

What is up with Easton's hands on his siblings faces?

We were supposed to take family pictures but we didn't have time before church and Nathan had a meeting after church.  I'm not sure when we will fit family pictures in since Nathan has a crazy schedule for most of this month.  It might end up just being pictures of the kids and that might not even happen.  We shall see...

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