Thursday, December 19, 2013


Easton had a great run earlier in the game.  He was at the 20 yard line on one end of the field and ran it all the way to the other 10 yard line.  I didn't get it on camera because I was busy helping Dyer get his gloves on.  Bummer!

Cheering on the Seahawks!

Easton's team party was at the bowling alley:

Easton was playing with his teammates on another lane.

Dyer bowling

Dad and Dyer

Blair bowling



Team pic.

Silly team pic.

1st Grade Holiday Concert

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer:

Must be Santa:

Jingle Bells:

Feliz Navidad:
The music went out half way through this song so the kids had to finish it themselves.

Mele Kalikimaka:

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth:

We Wish you a Merry Christmas:


Nathan and Dyer



This was Blair's last day as a Leaping Leopard!  She finally passed her class and is now a Jumping Jaguar.

On the balance beam.

 One good thing about Nathan working at UC Davis is that he can go to some of the kids' activities during the day.

Nathan holding Blakely so I can take pictures!

Ward Christmas Party

The Primary kids got up and sang for the ward.  Dyer went up there buy only stayed for about half the song.
Blair, Easton, and Dyer

Video of them singing:

One of Easton's silly faces!


Apparently everyone likes to hang out with Blakely when she is on her mat.  
Blair and Dexter hanging out with Blakely

Easton hanging out with Blakely

He caught me taking pictures

Posing with Blakely
I didn't get a picture of Dyer with Blakely but I know it has happened many times I just didn't get a picture of it.

Video of Blair dancing:
If you stop by my house at any given time you will probably see Blair in either a dress up princess outfit or a swimsuit/gymnastic outfit with a tutu on.  She is really into dancing/ballet right now.  

Christmas Activities

Some of the Christmas activities we did while Nathan was out of town.  

Putting up our Christmas tree.  We actually did this with Nathan before he left to go back to Oakland for the week.

Making graham cracker houses. 

My house

Dyer's house

Blair's house

Easton's house

We went to the Festival of Trees.  I forgot my camera so this was taken on my phone.  Not very good quality.

We went to the light show.

We are definitely glad that Nathan is back home.  I did pretty well for being by myself for 4 weeks with 4 kids.  Nathan was in Oakland for 3 weeks (he would come home on the weekends) and then was at UC Davis for a week leaving at 11 am and getting home around midnight.  Valerie's been in England that whole time and actually won't be back until the 28th.  Dyer misses her like crazy!  After we got back from visiting family for Thanksgiving Dyer asked if we could drive to England to see Valerie.  I told him we would have to fly there.  He had a really sad look on his face and then said, "But I don't have any pixie dust."  How cute is that!  Dyer has refused to go to Nursery for the last 5 weeks!  I think it is because Valerie left and Nathan has been gone a lot during that same time.  I think he is worried that everyone's going to leave him.  Poor guy!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Christmas Pictures?

I tried taking pictures for our Christmas cards, but I'm guessing I'll be trying again....

Might have been good if Blair would have been looking at the camera.

Probably the best but it's a little blurry and Dyer's not looking at the camera.

Okay, but what in the world is Easton doing to poor Blakely?

Dyer looks stoned!

This probably sums up my kids the best though!

And Blakely's had enough!

I thought I might have better luck just taking a picture of just the girls and then one of the boys.

 Cute but I wish Blair was looking at the camera.

What is up with Easton's hands on his siblings faces?

We were supposed to take family pictures but we didn't have time before church and Nathan had a meeting after church.  I'm not sure when we will fit family pictures in since Nathan has a crazy schedule for most of this month.  It might end up just being pictures of the kids and that might not even happen.  We shall see...

Happy Thanksgiving!

We went to my brother's house for Thanksgiving.  This was the first time all the cousins have been together and the first time since my sister got married 7 years ago that all my siblings have been together.  It was really nice to get all of us together, but unfortunately it only lasted a couple hours since my sister came and went the same day.  I guess it is what it is...(Haha Wade!)  Anyways, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal the Sunday before Thanksgiving.  My sister in law, Mykle, did a fantastic job and the food was wonderful!  Thanks for hosting and letting us all invade!  

My camera was left in the extremely cold car (yes, I have been spoiled in California) so when I brought it inside the warm house the lens kept fogging up.  I tried my best to get pictures since kids only hold still for so long but my camera wouldn't stop fogging up.  Good thing everyone else was taking pictures so I could steal them!  Thanks Jac for sending me your copies!

Kadyn (6-Jac's), Aaron (8-Jana's), Ashlyn (5-Jac's), Emery (2-Wade's), Blair (4-mine), Aiden (5-Jana's), Dyer (2-mine), Adisyn (2-Jac's), Easton (6-mine), and Blakely (2 months-mine).  Poor Kannon (4-Wade's) got sick the night before and was in his room almost the whole time.

Finally all 11 cousins together for the first time.  Kannon came out only to take a couple pictures and then went right back to his room.  So sad!  There will be two more cousins later this month.  Jacqui will be having a boy probably Dec. 23rd (she's getting induced) and Mykle will be having a girl on the 24th (she's getting a c-section).  That will make 13 cousins (7 boys and 6 girls)

Girl table plus Dyer!

Boy table!

Adult table

Jana, Wade, Jacqui, and I (oldest to youngest)

My mom and all her kids!

After spending the weekend at Wade and Mykle's we headed up to Washington to visit my dad and step mom.  It was a short but nice visit.  Thanks for letting us stay with you.  We also got to visit with one of my best friends, Shannah, while we were there too!  It was nice to catch up!

This happened both nights we were there.  My dad had a sleeping buddy!

This is what happened on the car ride home.  Definitely not the safest but it was too cute!

Of course I had to snap a picture of Dyer too!