Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Easton's Last Day of School and Swim Lessons

Easton's last day of school was on June 19th!  Easton did really well at school this year and was definitely one of the top students in his class (I'm pretty sure he was the top reader in his class).  He had to do a research project on a farm animal or insect and he chose to do it on Bison.  He made a book that he typed up all by himself and then presented it to his class.

Last day of Kindergarten!

Goofy face!  
Don't you just love Dyer's shoes in the background?  Yep, those are his absolute favorite shoes!

Easton did really well at swimming even though he didn't pass.  He was the youngest in his class but he improved a lot and gained a lot of confidence by the end of his session.  He had everything down but he just needed to do some of the requirements either a little further or a little longer than what he was doing.  

Kick board:

Practicing arms:


Kick board:


Swimming for a ring:

Floating on back:

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