Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Blair's Swim Lessons

Blair was a little nervous but mostly excited about swim lessons (in the beginning).  She did really well her first couple days but then gradually she did less and less.  There was one day where I couldn't even get her to get in the water.  She wasn't a fan of her teacher and because of it I think she shut down and didn't want to do anything he asked her to do.  I personally thought he had no patience and was kind of mean.  It was annoying that she wouldn't do anything at her lesson because she would get into Valerie's pool after swim lessons and do exactly what her teacher wanted her to do.  She probably could have passed her class if she would have showed her teacher what she knew how to do.  Blair even told me after her session that she wants to do swim again!  I don't know if that is going to happen since I really don't want to waste my money or time again!  We'll see though!

Practicing kicks:


Swimming on back with kickboard:



Refusing to get into the pool!  She had a couple days where she only got in for about 5-10 min before she was in tears and got out!

Not happy at all that she is in the pool:

So much happier now that she isn't doing swim lessons!

Having fun with the squirt gun.

Trying out the water slide.

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