Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Dyer's Swim Lessons

Dyer didn't want anything to do with swimming the first week of lessons.  Valerie had to get into the water the first day to get Dyer into the water.  Dyer wouldn't even get in on the second day and the rest of the first week he just sat on the stairs playing with all the water toys.

The second week Dyer jumped right in to his teacher and never looked back.  He was really excited everyday to get in and do what his teacher asked him to do.  He actually ended up passing the class!  

Practicing his kicking

Playing with the boat.

Waiting to go down the slide.

It wasn't until after I took this picture that I realized I was taking a picture of Dyer almost drowning.  The thing they were standing on was away from the side of the pool so when Dyer slipped he had nothing to push against to keep his head above the water.  The same thing happened to two other kids in his class about 30-60 seconds after Dyer.  

Video of Dyer jumping in to his teacher:


Swimming with a noodle:

Having fun playing with the toys:

Jumping into the pool:

On the last day of class the kids got to play in the splash area for the last 10 minutes of class.  Dyer decided to go down the slide, but I'm pretty sure he regretted it once he flipped over and inhaled a ton of water.

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