Monday, July 15, 2013

Gymnastics, Swim, and Naps

This was Blair's last day of gymnastics for her latest session.  They still want her in the same class next time.  I was a little annoyed hearing this because I swear every time her teacher (she seems to have a new one every session) says to put her in one more time and then she will be ready to move on to the next level.  Blair has improved a lot and I was sure she was going to move up this time. They actually combined Blair's class (leaping leopards) with the class she'll eventually be moving up to (jumping jaguars) and put Blair and another girl with the jaguars every week.  Blair was actually doing really well compared to the other girls and I thought for sure she would be moved up.  Oh well, I guess since Blair will be missing a 6 week session it will be good to be in the same class again.  

I forgot that I had some swim pictures/videos on my other camera.  My camera battery isn't holding a charge very well anymore so I've been using my old camera off and on lately.  

Dyer's officially in the "I don't want to take a nap anymore" stage but most days he still needs one.  He'll fight me for over an hour before I finally give in and just let him stay up.  Then right around dinner time it's not uncommon to find him somewhere around the house doing this....

He almost fell asleep eating dinner the other night.  I washed him up and told him to go lay down on the couch for a little bit and sure enough within a minute he was out cold.  

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