Monday, July 15, 2013

Bear World and Wedding

We went to Idaho Falls because Nathan's cousin, Kylie, was getting married.  We decided since it was so close to the 4th of July that we would just stay longer to hang out with family.  We were thinking about heading up to Yellowstone so Easton could see some Bison, but we went to Bear World instead.  It worked out nicely because the wedding was only about 10 minutes away from Bear World.  

Video of Easton on a ride:
He got sunscreen in his eye so he kept wiping it with a wipe.

Nathan, Dyer and Blair:

Nathan, Dyer, and Blair

Better picture of Blair

Easton for whatever reason kept riding by himself.  He must have wanted to ride the rides in a particular order and the rest of the family was not on the same page.

I think this was Dyer's favorite ride.

Finally everyone got on board and rode the same ride together.  Dyer was not a fan of this ride.


Easton convinced Nathan to ride with him.

Train ride

Easton (age 6)

Blair (age 4)

Dyer (age 2)

Dyer stuck his fingers in and the ducks of course bit him.  That is why he is telling them NO!

Dyer petting the pig

Blair and Dyer

Checking out the baby (twin) fawns

Feeding the animals

We drove around again so that Dyer could look at all the animals.  He was sleeping the first time we went through.  The Bison were actually up and walking around and we also got to see the wolf the second time as well.

The grounds at the wedding were beautiful and it was really nice that they had this fun little playground off in the back so the kids had something to do most of the time.  It was ridiculously hot though and we were all dying!  I had the boys in sweater vests for maybe 30 minutes before we took those off because they were sweating so much.    

Easton got stuck!

Waiting for the ceremony to begin. 

Uncle Lance and Kylie

Bride and Groom

Uncle Andy entertaining Dyer with the "I got your nose" game!  Dyer was in heaven and thought this was the greatest thing ever!


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