Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pirate Festival

We went to the Pirate Festival in Vallejo last weekend.  Nathan got all the kids dressed up in Pirate clothes and we stopped by the dollar store to get some accessories.  I think Nathan was worried before we left home that we would be a little over dressed but once we got there I think we were probably under dressed.  People went full out crazy!  We had fun but I think it would have been better if we got there earlier and could have enjoyed more of the activities they had going on earlier in the day.  We went to Nathan's end of the year Radiology party before the festival so that is why we didn't make it to the festival earlier.  The kids had fun swimming at the party though and Dyer had a few close calls where I had to rescue him!  Silly boy!

Meet the Pirates:

Pirate #1

Pirate (Princess) #2

Pirate #3


Checking out the Pirate ship.

Pirate ship

Shooting a cannon

Steering the ship

Ready to fight

Listening to some Pirates sing.

Blair wanted to go down this slide but once she got to the top she got really scared.  One of the workers had to go up and bring her down.  

Easton playing in one of the jump houses (Pirate ship).  Blair should have done this with Easton instead of that huge slide.

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