Sunday, June 16, 2013

24 Weeks!

As always I am behind in blogging.  I'm technically 27 weeks today but when I took this picture I was 24 weeks!  Baby girl is doing great!  She is very active and moves all over in my tummy!  The kids are all excited to feel her kicks and talk to her.  We have been discussing names and I think we have narrowed her name down to three!  It will be nice once we finally have a name to call her by.

24 weeks!

I can't help but share this photo!  Dyer hates wearing clothes, especially diapers.  Most of the time when I change him he kicks and screams and tries to escape.  He just prefers to be free!  One day he got away from me and immediately climbed on top of the couch in this position.  My kids aren't allowed to climb on couches but it was too funny not to let him be so I could snap a few pictures.  Seriously doesn't this remind you of a newborn photo shoot?  Thank goodness I don't have to give birth to this size of a baby in a couple months!

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